Professional Dissemination

BCEN & Friends Podcast: So-RAY-of Sunshine

Check out the recent BCEN & Friends podcast episode featuring Sorayah! Click here for the link to the episode. (September 2021)

Speaker for the Nursing Platform

Global Sepsis Alliance: GSA Advance

Serves as the primary spokesperson for the Nursing Platform of GSA Advance. Works in collaboration with the Global Sepsis Alliance. 3-year term from May 2021 to May 2024.

GSA Advance Platform

Corresponding Author

Oncologic Emergency Medicine: Principles & Practices
(2nd Edition) | Chapter 6: Oncologic Emergency Nursing

Available May 1st, 2021
ISBN: 978-3-030-67122-8 (Springer International Publishing)

The second edition provides evidence-based, comprehensive best practices for oncologic emergencies, The book also explores the entire care continuum of cancer patients in the unique setting of the emergency department (ED), from health promotion and prevention to treatment and palliative care. The book addresses clinically crucial interdisciplinary topics such as the ethics of ED cancer care, analgesic misuse and abuse, informatics, quality improvement, and more. Finally, perspectives on the care system and social forces that shape ED cancer care, such as cancer care disparities and care models, frame the book. Edited and written by world-renowned experts in emergency medicine and oncology, the Second Edition of Oncologic Emergency Medicine: Principles and Practice is the definitive resource for emergency physicians, oncologists, internists, family physicians, emergency nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and policymakers as well as pre and postgraduate trainees.” © Springer 2021

Co-authors: Petra Grami, Danielle Milling, Karen McFarland, Robert Drew, & Linda Koppy

Textbook Link on Springer

Contributing Author

Journal of Clinical Oncology
October 2019

Emergency Department Surge & Overcrowding: An interdisciplinary solution for an institutional issue.
Co-authors: Dr. Susan Gaeta, Toni Edwards, Dr. Carmen E. Gonzalez, Karen McFarland, Danielle Milling

Online Publication

Symposium Speaker

Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) National Conference
Austin, TX | October 2019

Identification, Triage, and Management of Immune-Related Adverse Effects in Patients With Cancer Presenting to the Emergency Department: Practical Guidance for Emergency Nurses.

Online CME / CNE

Poster Presentation

Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) National Conference
Austin, TX | October 2019

Poster Title: Enhancing Value of Care at End-of-Life Patients in the Emergency Department | Co-author: Danielle Milling, MSN, RN, CPN, CNL

ENA 2020 Conference Website

Co-Author & Content Expert

CNC | Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) Practice Certification Exam Preparation Materials

Member of the CNL committee that is developing the official study materials for the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) certification examination from the Commission on Nurse Certifications (CNC).

Clinical Nurse Leader | CNC

Simulation Director

In-Flight Medical Emergencies | A Simulation-Based Workshop

Serves as simulation director of CME workshop that covers in-flight medical emergency response, rules, regulations, and considerations at cruising altitude.

  • Courses held monthly in Houston, TX

  • Workshop available at the Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress 2019 in Dubrovnik, Croatia

  • Private courses on request

Course content:

  • The Epidemiology of In-flight Medical Emergencies

  • The physiological stress of flying & In-flight homeostasis

  • Medical-Legal considerations when responding to In-flight Emergencies

  • Available medical resources at 40,000 feet

  • General approach to every In-flight medical chief complaints

  • High-fidelity simulation to help reinforce critical principles

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Podium Speaker

Oncologic Emergency Medicine Conference
Houston, TX | January 2019

Presentation Title: Value of Care at the End-of-Life in the Emergency Department | Co-presenter: Dr. Ahmed Elsayem and Judy Overton, MLA

Conference Website

Poster Presentation

International Forum for Quality & Safety in Healthcare | British Medical Journal
Amsterdam, Netherlands | May 2018

Poster Title: Enhancing Value of Care for End-of-Life Patients in the Emergency Department: A quality Improvement Initiative for Patients with Advanced Cancer at a Comprehensive Cancer Emergency Department 

Co-authors: Dr. Ahmed Elsayem, Dr. Carmen Gonzalez, and Nicolyn Hoffman, BSN

Conference Website

Q&A Panel Member

Nursing Science at the Bedside Conference
Houston, TX | April 2018

Meet the Authors: Q&A Panel Served on a 4-person panel regarding presenting at an interdisciplinary, international conference.

Conference Website

Podium Speaker

Oncologic Emergency Medicine Conference
Houston, TX | January 2018

Presentation Title: Acute Care Team: Enhancing End-of-Life in the Emergency Department | Co-presenter: Dr. Ahmed Elsayem

Conference Website